
Welcome to
"The Power Of YOU"

TERRAUNION is a "PLANETARY" UNION, represented by YOU and 8 BILLION other sentient and precious beings, which have a long history of transforming their cosmic home, also known as TERRA since countless ages, based on the understanding of what was and is needed for a meaningful existence in Harmony with Nature and the Environment, to create a civilization which catered to the highest moral values, because it WAS "POSSIBLE"
That was then... many Ages ago

TERRAUNION has been hijacked since then by resourceful and rather sophisticated rogue entities which have been and are still suiting "their" needs instead. HUMANITY has been cast since into a WEB of DECEPTION, LIMITATIONS and RESTRICTIONS while being trained to accept this fate completely and without question or resistance which is met by social-political violence.

The "Few in Power"  direct Governments and Societies in what they can and cannot do and have abused TERRAUNION for their exclusive individual gain, utilizing destructive, un-sustainable methodologies, which, by design are bound to fail eventually. Fundamental Liberties  such as the Right to Live, to be Free and to be Happy have become extremely expensive commodities for 99% of sentient life on TERRA which has accepted a life in misery, limitations and pain for too long. 

TERRAUNION, once AGAIN will correct this dangerous Global State of Affairs from "WITHIN" to restore the Harmony with Live and Nature which was lost long ago

To be able to form a "Planetary UNION" is a necessary step and an integral milestone in the Evolution of any Civilization which aims ton survive long enough to get to this crucial point of Unification. Passing this milestone has to go in "tandem" with a healthy management of this "UNION" to ensure a prolonged existence to be able to prosper and to pass the "test of time" TERRAUNION will enforce this cosmic mandate in permanence.

YES ...
...  if you are in favor of SELF GOVERNANCE and belong to the oppressed [enslaved99% MAJORITY of TERRA finding yourself struggling to Get Ahead and see yourself NOT IN CONTROL of YOUR LIFE  and if YOU "dream" about being able to SECURE YOUR PERSONAL FREEDOM and FUTURE in permanence  without being depending on some "Oversight Contol" which is unilaterally imposing limitations and restrictions without your consent on nearly every aspect of YOUR LIFE

NO ...
... if YOU are "currently" in the 1% "ruling" MINORITY and caught in the continued pursuit of present, misguided and outright dangerous, "ANTI LIFE  Traditions" of consuming FINITE PLANETARY RESOURCES without balance and provisions for their  "renewal" which will create an environmental and social-political disaster for Humanity and the entire planet.

Furthermore, if you are in favor of the continued mismanagement of Global Affairs on "The Back Of the 99% MAJORITY" then you will face inevitable corrective actions by powers vastly greater than yourself from which even YOU as a "contented and convinced" 1%-er cannot and will not escape, beause WE ALL, including YOU, share the very same and currently gravely mis-managed Environment, also known as  "Space-Ship TERRA", The only home we have ... and ..."This SHIP" is already "sinking" ... BECAUSE OF YOU

The need arises to Re-Think "NEXT STEPS" wisely, because time and options are running scarce quickly for the continuation of a unilaterally accepted, destructive "SERVICE to SELF" way of life and Philosophy of Greed, Violence and Centralized Control of what should NOT be controlled in the first place ... the 99% MAJORITY!
Of course if YOU really ARE a member of the 1 % then you are lovingly yet urgently invited to JOIN the UNION in Peace "With a Service to Others Set of Mind" YOU should learn to adapt to as soon as possible as a good measure on your part

Know then, that there is an expiration on this INVITATION, which is extended to YOU by Powers vastly "Greater Than Yourself" ... Then Again ... YOU already know this to be an inconvenient fact since you received your "Training" as a 1 % er, thus, TERRAUNION can be "good" for YOU too. It is truly YOUR choice alone.

The Advent of De-Centralized BLOCKCHAIN-Technologies spawned A VISION of a meaningful and working model for A "SERVICE to OTHERS" Society without being limited by restrictive commercial, religious and political paradigms forced upon the inhabitants of TERRA by overreaching "Governments" and Corporations, which have "promised" but at the same token prevented at least one "Golden Age" in the last "12800" Earth Years
[For the informed reader this "number" is significant - more info at]

TERRAUNION is the Corrective Element to countless mistakes and crimes against LIFE itself, committed by a misguided but very powerful minority, which was able to amass wealth and manipulative prowess beyond what is commonly understood, merely by using disinformation and false flag attack propaganda to manipulate common man to move into an ultimately destructive direction, just to serve the outdated and failing "SERVICE to SELF" Philosophy of the Few "Rulers" of TERRA which now will have to quickly adapt their way of "Ruling Common Man" in light of Emerging  UN-CORRUPTIBLE TRUST MECHANISMS, which are SELF-Sustaining and a STRONG CORRECTIVE against OVERREACH of Governmental, Social-Political and Religious nature

These UN-CORRUPTIBLE TRUST MECHANISMS, will re-define and improve the way
Business is conducted
Governments are elected
Science is being applied and
Wealth is being accumulated, distributed and solidified within a global, 
Resource Based Economy and Society without [biased] CENTRAL OVERSIGHT

NON Custodial Trust Mechanisms will benefit ALL in Reach and not just the "Few in Hiding" from the approaching, ultimate and inevitable Justice "THEY" know is coming for "THEM"

This is to name just a few aspects of drastic reduction of corruption and a-social, borderline-criminal conduct of Governments, Investment Firms, Big-Tech Manipulators and biased Media Establishments through the DEPLOYMENT of "unstoppable" Trust Protocols which cannot be revoked or "manipulated", once in action

Great concern and "Primal Fear" amongst corrupt Governments, Financial Corporations of the "Old-School" and "Rogue" Individuals alike is rising, which are in FACT "THE"  REASON as to why these protocols emerged and are being implemented globally via BLOCKCHAIN Technology Initiatives

The "FREEDOM -Spawning" Evolution of BLOCKCHAIN "Ideologies"  will continue  due to it's "liberating powers" penetrating the Global Eco Sphere and Life itself

TERRAUNION and BLOCKCHAIN FREEDOM Initiatives [A.S.A.P.], "Hand in Hand", are bringing about a Paradigm-Shift of Epic Proportions while converting a failing Society, leading it back to Prosperity to thrive and ultimately transform "PRISON PLANET TERRA" back into the long lost PARADISE it once was and WILL be AGAIN


is empowering  YOU 
To participae in and  benefit from
Acknowledged Special Access Projects

to make a future, worth living

The Cumulative Progress Status of current "A.S.A.P. s" are shown below

ASAP | ALPHA | TERRAN Citizenship Program   [Social Political and Historical Re-Education based on factual  truth] 


ASAP | DELTA | Self Governance Program   [Health | Education | Personal Wealth Management | Recreation Initiatives]      


ASAP | SIGMA |  Science- and Technology Research Programs   [Patent Recovery and Research | Free Energy, Open Source Initiatives]        


ASAP | OMEGA | Service To Others  Initiatives Program   [Utilization of ALPHA | DELTA and SIGMA Resource Pools] 


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